Almost time for rain!

Is it true, is rain really coming? According to the weather forecast… rain is coming to the bay, time to pull out your rain boots and waterproof jackets! California and rain, sometimes its tough to get through it.

Especially when you want to dress cute! You don’t want to get your outfit wet! But no worries, there are ways to stay stylish while also staying dry.

Lets start out with shoes. Two words: Rain Boots. Who doesn’t love a pair of rain boots? You can jump into puddles and not get wet. There are so many different brands of cute rainbows out there. If you want to grab a nice pair that you can dress both up and down, check out Michael Kors ones. Michael Kors has so many different styles, and different colors to match your taste. You can find them in stores other than MK, from Macy’s, Nordstrom, (Possibly Marshall’s). They look adorable and they look stylish to wear on a day out, running errands, or going to work.

How about Jackets? Well there is a cute alternative to a regular windbreaker waterproof jacket, and thats a leather jacket. Leather jackets are great, and you can find them in colors like black, cream, brown, white, pink, and so on. They keep you nice and warm while looking great! Click on this link to check out other cute types of jackets to wear.

Gray leather jacket, it is waterproof!

Photo by me

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